sink or swim

Thank you for helping me support JUST ONE OCEAN who do amazing work developing and implementing solutions to the problems the oceans are currently facing.

I wrote SINK OR SWIM in response to the climate emergency because it feels like we’ve reached a point where everything is hanging in the balance and now is the time to do everything in our power to support the eco system that supports us!

I hope you enjoy this original full length version of the song of which I am gifting to the charity for future campaigns. In return I kindly ask you for a small donation towards the progress of this great initiative.

Please donate here


Thank you for your support.

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If you would like to hear David Jones - scientist and founder of JUST ONE OCEAN, give one of his brilliant presentations about his fascinating findings, join us at The Kenton Theatre on 14th November from 3pm-4pm straight from his talks at COP26.

RSVP for FREE guest-list!